We've Got The County Covered

Hey Chinook, we did it again!!!

Our team registered 45 total donors, collected 42 pints of blood and recruited 1 first-time donor. Our goal was 40. All of our efforts have helped boost the community blood supply and ensure hospital patients have the lifesaving blood they need.

Each donation can save up to 3 lives. Because of your generosity, 129 lives will be saved. These numbers are really something to celebrate and we are grateful for each and every one of you who made our success possible.

Don Ranstrom reached 15 gallons at this drive, Ken Maly 10 gallons, Linda Thompson 8 gallons, Rita surber 6 gallons, Judy Johnson 3 gallons, Ken Schubert and Erica Smith 1 gallon. We also welcomed one First Time Donor, Lily Surber. Great job!!

The canteen was hosted by the United Methodist Church Ladies. Those tending to the canteen were Linda Sharples, Sonia Swank, Rita Surber and Monica Swank. The goodies and sandwiches were wonderful! We are all so happy to have had you participate in this important aspect of the blood drive.

The door prizes were provided by the United Methodist Church ladies. The North Central Montana Cattle Women provided the beef certificates.

Pastor Jack Mattingly and the United Methodist Church once again so graciously provided the site for the drive at Wallner Hall. Set up for the drive was accomplished by Carla Jenewein and Judy Johnson. Clean up for this drive was made possible by Chrissy Downs and the Jump Youth Group. Their willingness to assist in moving all those tables and chairs around is so appreciated.

Taking home door prices were Tanya Getten, Cameron Huestis, Cary Qualls, Erica Smith, Paulie Miller, Amber Miller, Rob Kelley, Hope Hamilton and Lily Surber

Others who most certainly need to be recognized for their willingness to contribute to the smooth running of the drive each time are the ladies at the welcome table: Donna Murdy, Judy Johnson and Linda Thompson. Sadly, I must make an announcement: Donna Murdy has decided to turn her volunteer duties over to Linda Thompson. Her many years of service to the Red Cross Blood Drive have not gone unnoticed and she will be missed. Welcome Linda we are looking forward to working with you.

Paulette Keller, you again came through and got those beef gift certificates delivered to me promptly before the drive.

To each and every one of you, my gratitude for your willingness to donate and to participate in one way or another is unending. I apologize in advance if I have forgotten anybody.

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