We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Loretta Beck, Crystal Grabofsky, and Holly attended the District Track Meet in Havre on Saturday. Grandpa Wally stayed home with Lucy and Cooper and took them to Issac Klindworth’s birthday party later.

Kathy Zellmer attended Clarice Kegels Memorial Service in Turner on Saturday.

Susan Billmayer and daughter Emily will be attending the Special Olympics in Great Falls this week.

Anita Reed accompanied Jane and Harlan Krass to Havre for tests on Thursday.

Susan Billmayer attended Clarice Kegels service and buriel on Saturday.

Chloe Beck visited Grandma Sandy Beck on Sunday.

Both High School and Jr High youth attended District Track Meets this week. Both groups did well. The High School group will attend Divisional in Great Falls on May 16. We wish them the best there.

The Prom was held on Saturday in Turner Kurt Calvert was crowned Prom King and Melanie Watkins was crowned Prom Queen. Prince was Trace Heileg and Princess was Rylee Conlan. The Jr./Sr/ Banquet was held beforehand at the Catholic Church Hall. The Lions Club served the group breakfast afterwards.

Field trips are being held now that school is about over. The K-2 age group went to the Havre Fire Hall and to McDonald’s on Thursday. The grades 3-5 are going to “Havre beneath the Streets” on Monday.

Callers at Jane and Harlan Krass’ on Sunday were Linda Hauge, Diana Maloney, Hilary Richman and girls, and Anita Reed and family. Flower beds were dug up and flowers planted. Lets hope the deer don’t have lunch on them or freeze.

The Awards Banquet will be held on Monday night the 13th.Those receiving honors will be given then.

Graduation will be held on Saturday May 18th for Seniors and Eighth grade. It will be held at 4 p.m. with Brenda Mohar the graduation speaker.

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