We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

On last weeks news, Melanie Watkins was left off of the Graduating Seniors list. Our apologies to Melanie and her family.

Loretta and Wally Beck attended Cooper Grabofsky’s Kindergarten graduation at the Turner School Monday afternoon.

Susan Billmayer and Ed Zellmer went in to Harlem on Monday to a Parish Call Committee meeting at the church in the afternoon.

Elissa and Caleb Zellmer returned Tuesday evening along with the 6-8 grades who attended the 3 day educational tour field trip of Southern Montana. Many sites were visited and seen by the group. It is a trip they will never forget.

Susan and Lee Mason of Lincoln are visiting at the Jordan and Elissa Zellmer home over the Memorial Day weekend.

The State Tract Meet was in Laurel this past weeekend. Attending for Turner High School are Shyan Krass, Sarah Billmayer, Cody Welsh and Jack Harmon. Good Luck to all of you.

Diana Maloney and Anita Reed accompanied Harlan and Jane Krass to Dr. Appts in Chinook on Wednesday.

Dave and Teresa Cornell went to Billings last weekend to see Dalton, Alyssa and family.

August Handran is out on the farm this week helping Grandpa Dave Cornell.

This weekend, Dave and Teresa Cornell, Richard , Cassie, and family are camping at the Missourri campground doing some fishing and camping.

The Cornell family all came back to Hogeland on Memorial Day to take in the sevices held at Silverbow, Wing and Turner cemeteries.