The Chinook Community Blood Drive was a great success. We collected a total of 46 pints on a goal of 40. Great job Chinook!!
Each donation can save up to 3 lives. Because of your generosity, 126 lives will be saved.
Kurtis Slaughter was a first time donor at this drive.
The canteen was hosted by the Presbyterian Church and the Zion Lutheran Church. The sandwiches and sweet treats were, as always enjoyed by all of our donors, volunteers and guests. We are so happy to have you as part of our team in this important aspect of the blood drive.
Pastor Jack Mattingly and the United Methodist Church once again so graciously provided the site for the drive at Wallner Hall. Set up and clean up for the drive was accomplished by Carla Jenewein and Judy Johnson.
Door Prizes were donated by the Presbyterian Church and Zion Lutheran Church, North Central Montana Cattlewomen and the Wildlife Museum. Taking home those door prices were Brooke Elliot, Kurtis Slaughter, Linda Thompson, Ken Schubert, Viki Tilleman, Diana Reichus, Rhonda Brewer, Kourtney Hansen, Josh Nordboe and Tammy Williams.
Others who most certainly need to be recognized for their willingness to contribute to the smooth running of the drive each time are the ladies at the welcome table: Linda Thompson, Judy Johnson and Patti Treftz, and Paulette Keller for delivering those beef gift certificates to me promptly before the drive.
To each and every one of you, I am so grateful for your willingness to donate and to participate in one way or another to our drive. I apologize in advance if I have forgotten anybody.
Sincerely Carla Jenewein, Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator for Chinook.