Dorothy Nyleen Beck Anderson passed away last week. She was the sister of Wally Beck, and grew up in the Hogeland community. Sympathy is extended to her family. A memorial service will be held in Lincoln August 17 at 2:00 p.m.
Gene and Susan Billmayer and Emily and Susan’s cousins attended the triangle telephone meal in Turner on Tuesday.
On Thursday, Teresa Cornell accompanied Cassie Handran and family were to Havre for doctor appointments.
Sandy Beck visited Helen and Jim Billmayer on Thursday.
On Thursday, Lorretta Beck met Crystal Grabofsky. Cassidy, Holly, Cooper, Lucy, and Abby and Zane Grabofsky in Havre and they had lunch together at Subway.
Marna Strzelczyk and Jennifer visited Saturday and had lunch with Susan Billmayer and her cousins at the Billmayer home.
On Friday, Marvin and Clarence Beck of Lewistown and Crystal Grabofsky, Cassidy, Holly, Cooper, and Lucy had dinner at the Wally Becks on Friday.
Barb Savitzer of Texas and Matt and Jessica and son Matthew of Osh Kosh, WI arrived on Wednesday to visit at the home of Susan and Gene Billmayer.
Tate and Ty Beck stopped by to visit on Saturday with Grandma Loretta and Grandpa Wally.
Sandy Beck was in Billings on Monday for a Doctor appointment.
Cassie Handran and children stayed Friday night and Saturday at the home of Teresa and Dave Cornell.
Linda Hauge and Diana Maloney accompanied Harlan and Jane Krass to Havre for dental appointments on Tuesday.
It’s been a busy two weeks at the Anderson Homestead. It’s been fun having people stop in and visit. Those stopping by were Sniders, Mohars, Van Valkenbergs, and Simons. They even had a little coffee gathering one day. Nancy and Ralph Snider, Brian Anderson, Helen and Emily Billmayer, Loretty Beck, Bobbi, Tate, Ty, and Harley Beck, Shawna and Sarah Billmayer, Fred and Slyv Mohar, Kevin Van Valkenberg, Dee and Joey Mohar, and Wayne and Mary Ellen’s daughter, Amy and Waslchli and husband Paul and sons Carter and Anderson. It turned out to be a perfect day!!
Mary Ellen and Wayne Deloach’s daughter and family from WI really enjoyed their stay out here. They also did some touring, 3 wheeling, rock collecting, and mosquito swathing and ended their stay with a homemade pizza party at Nancy and Ralph Snider’s. Also there was Bobbi and Harley Beck, Ella and Sarah Billmayer, Ryle and Patty Simons, and Hudson and Mary, and Lesli and Meridian Snider.
John Wing came out to the farm Thursday night and left Saturday morning. They had a good visit and had dinner Friday night at Patty and Ryle Simons’. along with Ralph and Nancy Snider’s.
Wayne Deloach’s sister Cheryl and daughter Chivon and Wayne and Cheryl;s great niece, Harley from Minnesota arrived Saturday for a visit. The enjoyed all the fun times and are happy to be here at the farm.