We've Got The County Covered

Chinook Senior Center

It is hard to believe it is August already. School is going to start in a few weeks. The August calendar is out. Stop in and pick one up. Thank you for the food donation at the birthday bake raffle goes to Rochelle Wohlschlager, Mary Pyette. The birthday party for the end of August will be the 50/50 raffle come and join us on Friday the 30th.

Coming up the Senior Center Board members will be serving an ice cream social on August 21 from 3 – 4:30. Stop in and have a sweet treat.

The Hearing Clinic will be August 6.

Jackpot Bingo winner was Virginia Olson on the 25th.

Pinochle high on the 26th went to Amy Smith, while low went to Mike Randall.

Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, or other cards, Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. Whist is being played every second and fourth Wednesday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. We have exercise equipment available to use for those 18 years and older. If you want to set up a pool game, the poor old pool table could use some attention. Also there is always a jigsaw puzzle being pieced and all help is welcome. Anyone is welcome to join us.

Our Meals This Week

Wed., July 31 - Cheeseburger

Thur., Aug. 1 - Smoked Turkey Dip

Fri., Aug. 2 - Pork Roast

Mon., Aug. 5 - Breakfast Casserole

Tues., Aug. 6 - Lasagna

Upcoming Birthdays

July 31 - Clarice Morse

August 2 - Sharon Barnes

August 3 - Chris Kruse

August 5 - Rod Phares

August 5 - Mildred Dawson

August 5 - Gerry Stabio

Happy Birthday!!

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