We've Got The County Covered

Infrastructure Funds Available from Department of Commerce Department of Commerce

The Montana Department of Commerce’s Delivering Local Assistance Program has $21.5 million available for needed infrastructure investments in communities and school districts. The deadline to apply is Monday, September 30, 2019.

According to information provided on the Montana Department of Commerce, Community Development Division website, the Delivering Local Assistance (DLA) Program was created in 2019 to support communities impacted by natural resource development. Specifically, this program will focus grant funds toward local governments and schools to address the needed investments in facilities and other community infrastructure priorities across Montana.

Created through House Bill 652, Sections 1 through 8, DLA is a state-funded program. HB 652 authorizes funds to be awarded to local governments and school districts to complete infrastructure projects through grants. Of the $21.5 million available, $10.75 million will be distributed to local infrastructure projects and $10.75 million will be distributed to school district infrastructure projects as defined in the bill. This allocation of funding is a one-time authorization available for the 2021 Biennium.

Describing eligible projects and outlining additional restrictions and definitions, a sixteen page booklet is available on the Montana Department of Commerce’s website (https://comdev.mt.gov/). The booklet includes the application and guidelines for completing the application process for projects to be considered for an award of funds through the DLA program.

Local governments must be able to demonstrate an impact to an existing or future population caused by a growth or decline associated with coal, oil, gas, or timber development within the county where the local government is located. The level of impact must be further described by the applicant through the application responses.

Eligible applicants can apply to complete infrastructure projects that solve a deficiency related to the following project types: drinking water systems; wastewater treatment; sanitary sewer or storm sewer systems; solid waste disposal and separation systems (including site acquisition, preparation, and monitoring); bridges; facilities for government administration; public safety infrastructure related to law enforcement, fire protection, or emergency services; or school district infrastructure projects.

The informational materials define a school district infrastructure project as a project: that is related to life safety or security issues; for major repairs or deferred maintenance in an existing school facility; or for major improvements or enhancements to an existing school facility.

Applications are being accepted between June 1, 2019 and September 30, 2019. Awards will be made by the fall of 2019.

Interested applicants are encouraged to visit the DLA website for the application and for more information. They can also email the Montana Department of Commerce at DOCCDD@mt.gov or call their office at 406.841.2770.