Scattered storms and damp conditions were observed across much of the State last week, according to the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Topsoil moisture conditions for the state were 72 percent adequate to surplus, compared to 76 percent in the previous week and 40 percent the previous year. Subsoil moisture conditions were rated 73 percent adequate to surplus compared to 43 percent the previous year.
Reporters in Roosevelt and Judith Basin counties reported frequent storms and humidity continue to delay harvest and affect the quality of mature crops. In Phillips County a reporter stated that second cutting alfalfa is being damaged by wet conditions. Statewide, barley harvest was estimated at 51 percent complete, behind the previous year of 65 percent. Durum wheat turning color was reported at 95 percent complete, which jumps slightly ahead of the previous year at 93 percent. Twenty percent of the Durum wheat crop had been harvested, well behind last year at 45 percent and the five year average of 47 percent. Oats harvested for grain was estimated at 40 percent complete, behind last year at 50 percent.
Flaxseed turning color was reported at 89 percent complete, slightly ahead of the previous year at 82 percent. Canola turning color was estimated at 90 percent complete, behind last year at 96 percent. Approximately 15 percent of the canola crop was harvested by the end of the week, behind last year at 31 percent and well behind the 5-year average of 55 percent. Harvesting of pulse crops continues to be slow due to wet conditions, with an estimated 55 percent of the lentil crop harvested, which is behind the previous year of 74 percent. Dry peas harvested was estimated at 74 percent complete, behind last year at 85 percent and the 5-year average of 89 percent. Winter wheat harvested is estimated at 80 percent complete, behind last year’s progress of 90 percent.