In addition to all the activities going on uptown, the Brew-fest, Color Run, Car Show, etc. The 100 Year Harlem High School All-Class Reunion offered plenty of opportunities for alumni to enjoy competitively.
Don Richman hosted a golf tournament at the Harlem Golf Course with the format being determined the morning of the event and dependent on the number of duffers ready to play nine holes.
Myron Hoops organized a 3 on 3 basketball tournament Friday afternoon at the elementary courts for the area youth and visiting children and the on Sunday put together an adult 3 on 3 tournament at the Harlem High School courts.
Mitchell Healy organized a Horse Shoe Tournament. Get togethers like this have always proved to be a good time for all with some good gestured ribbing and fun being part of the process.
The Harlem Future Farmers of America held their annual Trap Shoot in conjunction with the reunion and a good time was held by all.
About 30 shooters took part in the event and were joined by members of the Havre Trap Club. The competitors took part in a variety of different shooting competitions.
The reunion committee covered all bases including a 'Memory Lane' hosted by Colleen Brommer at the Harlem Library.
A Hospitality Room for alumni to hang out in was organized by Linda Tangen. Sissy Maguire and Paul Rasmussen organized the Brewfest Helen. Schroder and Kayla Hudon organized the Fun Run.
In the end there was something for everyone and everyone seemed to attend something.