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ZAP Sets Reunion Date for Next June

The Zurich Elementary School reunion planning team that repurposed the name Zurich Association of Parents (ZAP) held its second meeting on August 26. Despite the small turnout, the group was large on enthusiasm for a reunion event planned for Saturday June 13, 2020. They encourage all Zurich School alumni to “Save the Date.”

According to committee member Betty Billmayer, after discussing how to proceed, the group decided to change their original plan of scheduling two days of reunion events in favor of just one day. The committee felt that this would be preferable since people might not want to make two trips to Zurich or spend a full day there with not a lot to do. The tentative schedule will embrace ZAP ideas:

2:00: Registration opens at the school with coffee and cookies

2:00-4:00: Games on the playground, school tours, slideshow running in the gym

4:00-5:00: Program with various speakers and other presentations, including honoring some people who served the school over the years (i.e. Doris Couch and Ted Delvin)

5:00: Meal followed by visiting as people desire

To formulate a meal plan, Vicki Snider contacted four businesses about catering, asking them to get back to her with prices and menus. Because Shaina Hofeldt, who owns Andy’s Supper Club, was the only one to respond to the inquiry, ZAP decided on a pitchfork fondue with rosemary potato wedges, garden salad, baked beans, and a roll. According to Billmayer, the group plans to have ZAP pies for dessert, probably apple, peach, and chocolate chip.

Although ZAP hasn’t determined a precise registration fee, they are aware that funds will be needed to cover mailing and advertising expenses. To defray some of those costs, they discussed various fundraising ideas and determined that having a silent auction of donated items during the Parade of Lights in November would provide these funds. They plan to set up at Brandon Nissen’s Northwestern Mutual office at 236 Indiana Street in Chinook.

“If we can get enough people to commit to helping, we will get together to make ZAP cinnamon rolls to be delivered before Easter next spring. We’ll have some available for sale at the silent auction and also some pies. As you can see, we’ve made plans to incorporate cinnamon rolls and pies, things we were known for when ZAP was running full force. Plans will be finalized later,” Billmayer said.

Shellie Pruttis has been in touch with the County Superintendent of Schools office about getting enrollment names from the time the school opened in 1922. Once ZAP has those, they will begin work on contacting people.

To capture the school’s history, Wanda Chilton has located several pictures and some good newspaper articles that will be on display at the reunion. Shannon Van Voast and Stephanie Silva will work on a slideshow.

ZAP’s next meeting will be October 21, in the Annex of the Chinook Alliance Church. Located at the corner of Indiana and 2nd Street, the Annex occupies the old L & L Pizza building.

“After we decided to shorten the event and have it all at the school, I called to cancel the reservation for two days at Zurich Park. I had paid $60 to reserve it. Unfortunately, they don’t give refunds, so I told them to keep the reservation. Maybe someone will decide to plan something there Friday night if enough people are around. We can let people know it’s available. Please spread the word so we can get as many people involved as possible,” Billmayer said.

Anyone seeking additional information or wishing to share ideas is asked to call Billmayer at 357-4100.

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