If you look closely, you can see the leather-bound double ball flying through the air as the students played a game of, you guessed it, Double-Ball.
Thursday of Native American Week begins with a powwow, and finds Catcher Cuts The Rope, grand entry leader, with the surrounding areas powwow royalty.
Joe Brown, Jr., and Liz Werk help Wynnter Anderson apply her handprint on Susie as Lucky waits patiently for the next artist. As you can imagine, the horse painting with Toby Werk, Liz Werk, and Joe Brown, Jr. was one of the most popular Break-out sessions at Harlem Elementary.
The opening ceremonies for Native American Week were held Monday, September 23rd, at the Harlem High School gymnasium. The color guard was led by veterans Catcher Cuts The Rope, carrying the Eagle staff, followed by Andy Werk, Jr., Ft. Belknap tribal chairman, displaying the American flag.
Native American Week began with a breath-taking double rainbow above Harlem Elementary. With such a perfect start to Monday morning, one knew the events of this special week were bound to be blessed. Many thanks to the photographer, Steven Hopkins, for sharing this impressive scene!
Leading the game of Hoop and Arrow are ANC student, Kailee Horn, and Walt Bad Road Mount.
If you look closely, you can see the leather-bound double ball flying through the air as the students played a game of, you guessed it, Double-Ball.
Thursday of Native American Week begins with a powwow, and finds Catcher Cuts The Rope, grand entry leader, with the surrounding areas powwow royalty.
Joe Brown, Jr., and Liz Werk help Wynnter Anderson apply her handprint on Susie as Lucky waits patiently for the next artist. As you can imagine, the horse painting with Toby Werk, Liz Werk, and Joe Brown, Jr. was one of the most popular Break-out sessions at Harlem Elementary.
The opening ceremonies for Native American Week were held Monday, September 23rd, at the Harlem High School gymnasium. The color guard was led by veterans Catcher Cuts The Rope, carrying the Eagle staff, followed by Andy Werk, Jr., Ft. Belknap tribal chairman, displaying the American flag.
Native American Week began with a breath-taking double rainbow above Harlem Elementary. With such a perfect start to Monday morning, one knew the events of this special week were bound to be blessed. Many thanks to the photographer, Steven Hopkins, for sharing this impressive scene!
Leading the game of Hoop and Arrow are ANC student, Kailee Horn, and Walt Bad Road Mount.
If you look closely, you can see the leather-bound double ball flying through the air as the students played a game of, you guessed it, Double-Ball.
Native American Week (September 23-27) was well celebrated by all students in Harlem. From Powwows, to Horse Painting, Ceremonies, and games for students of all ages, including Double Ball, and Hoop and Arrow.