Happy Day! There is a new director at the Senior Center, Karyn Higgins has taken over the duties of director. Please stop in for a cup of coffee or lunch and say Hi and Welcome to her.
Thank you to Terry Townsend for the watermelon, Max Maddox for the corn and cucumbers, Edith Bilger for the carrots, and Jean Kiel for the tomatoes.
Last week activity winners for; Shanghai was Lila Steffensmier, Pinochle were Marilyn Williamson and Virginia Olson, Jackpot Bingo were Virginia Olson & Amy Belle Smith, unfortunately Irene Gauthier was skunked, better luck next week Irene.
Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, Whist or other cards, or movie on Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. Anyone is welcome to join us.
Our Meals This Week
Wed. Oct. 2 Cheeseburger
Thu. Oct. 3 Stew
Fri. Oct. 4 Super Chicken
Mon. Oct. 7 Hotdog w\Mac & Cheese
Tues. Oct. 8 BBQ Chicken
Upcoming Birthdays
Thur., Oct. 3 Karl Harder
Fri., Oct. 4 Patty Treftz
Sat., Oct. 5 Larry Wisch
Happy Birthday!!