We've Got The County Covered

Milk River Watershed Alliance Educational Video Completed

he Milk River Watershed Alliance (MRWA) is very happy to announce that the St Mary Educational Video has been successfully completed. This comes as a great big “Thank You” to anyone and everyone who played a part in the reality of our end product! Enjoy viewing the final production and don’t hesitate in sharing our link with others to “get the word out” about how critical rebuilding the St Mary infrastructure is to life along the High-line!

View the video at: https://vimeo.com/334054604

Editors Note: The Milk River Watershed is a vital component to the stability of our region. Without a reliable water-source the area will dry up and be forced to leave. The article above was submitted courtesy of the Blaine County Fall Newsletter 2019. The Article below is from the Milk River Watershed Alliance website.

The Milk River Watershed Alliance is a locally led organization of Conservation Districts working together to preserve, protect, and enhance the natural resources within the Milk River watershed, while maintaining the quality of life.

Milk River Watershed Alliance (MRWA) activities are delimited to the geographical extent of the Milk River Basin within the counties of Glacier, Hill, Blaine, Phillips, and Valley, Montana. This geographical extent does not preclude the MRWA from extending its boundaries in the future to include other Milk River watershed counties in Montana or Alberta and Saskatchewan counterparts.

The MRWA participants fall into one of four basic categories: Executive Board, Public-At-Large, Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and Coordinator.

MRWA Meetings will be held quarterly on the second Thursday of January, April, July and October. Meetings will be held in locations that will accommodate the collective needs of all participants to an extent that is fair and practical.

A period of public input and comment will be included on each meeting agenda.

All regular and special meetings shall be public noticed one week (7 days) in advance. Public notice of meetings shall be given through the news media.

All meetings are open to the public. The MRWA Executive Board will follow all of Montana’s open meeting laws.

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