We've Got The County Covered

Red Ribbon Week


The Red Ribbon Campaign was started when drug traffickers in Mexico City murdered DEA agent Kiki Camarena in 1985. This began the continuing tradition of displaying Red Ribbons as a symbol of intolerance towards the use of drugs. The mission of the Red Ribbon Campaign is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a


Red Ribbon Week is an ideal way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against substance abuse. Show your personal commitment to a drug-free lifestyle during Red Ribbon week.

When IS IT?

Red Ribbon week is always observed the last full week of October.

“I pledge to stay in school and learn the things that I need to know. I pledge to make the world a better place for kids like me to grow. I pledge to keep my dreams alive and be all that I can be. I pledge to help others and to keep myself drug free.”

Chinook Schools:

Monday October 28th:

Peace out to drugs (Wear Tie Dye or 70’s)

Tuesday October 29th:

I elect to be drug free (Dress as your favorite American Hero)

Wednesday October 30th:

I pledge to be drug free (Wear red in support of Red Ribbon Week)

Thursday October 31st:

Cheer on the Beeters! ( Favorite Beeter Gear)

Friday November 1st: NO SCHOOL

Turner School:

Monday October 28th:

Wake up Drug Free (pajama day)

Tuesday October 29th:

Make Your Future Brighter than the 80’s (Retro Day)

Wednesday October 30th:

Free Yourselves from Drugs (Red, White & Blue Day)

Thursday October 31st:

Scare the Drugs Away (Wear Your Halloween Costumes)

Harlem Schools:

Monday October 28th:

Follow Your Dreams, Not Drugs (Dress in Pajamas)

Tuesday October 29th:

Crazy about being Drug and Bully Free

(wear Crazy/Mismatched Hair, Socks, Clothes)

Wednesday October 30th:

Create a Peaceful Drug and Bully Free Community

(Wear Tie Dye or Hippie Attire)

Thursday October 31st:

Don’t Be Tricked, Drugs are no Treat!

(Wear your Favorite Halloween Costume)


Do NOT bring supplies to color hair at school. Please do this at home before coming to school!

Friday November 1st:

Use your Head, Not Drugs

(Wear your Favorite Hat)

Harlem Elementary will also have the “Trunk or Treat” Halloween festival on Thursday, October 31st at 12:30.