We've Got The County Covered
Bob Quinn, farmer from near Big Sandy and leading green businessman, will be the guest speaker at the Harlem Public Library November 19. In 1986 Quinn's company Montana Flour and Grains introduced the natural food industry to an ancient Egyptian wheat, called khorasan (similar to durum wheat) marketed under his own brand name KAMUT® (the ancient word for wheat.) Through the trademark an ancient grain has been preserved and guaranteed not to be genetically modified or altered.
Quinn, a Farming Futurist, is always looking for ways to improve and sustain the land. With two partners from Germany, he formed WindPark Solutions America, which was responsible for the development of Montana's first large scale wind farm. Bob works closely with Montana State University personnel on testing crops, including dryland vegetable for local markets, as well as new farming methods.
Quinn continues to farm full time and promote organic and sustainable agriculture, locally produced food and fuel, as well as promoting the idea that food should be our medicine and medicine should be our food. He also promotes food production systems based on producing high nutrition rather than high yields. He is the co-author of the book "Grain by Grain" which tells the story of how he went from being a true believer in better farming through chemistry to a leading proponent of organics. Quinn shares his quest to revive ancient wheat, rural jobs, and healthy food.
The evening will begin with a free supper at 6 P.M. followed by Quinn's presentation at 7 P.M. Please contact the Harlem Library at 353-2712 for more information.