No one is exactly sure what year the first Community Thanksgiving Dinner was held in Chinook, but most agree it was in the 1980’s. First held in the Presbyterian Church, the event later moved to the Chinook Senior Center when the present facility was completed. Organizers of the most recent edition of the community dinner say the number of diners has stayed fairly consistent and financial support has remained generous and adequate.
This year’s menu followed traditions fare: turkeys with the trimmings including dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, buns and a relish tray. All this followed by pie, lots of pies. Many diners also make a contribution though no one is asked to pay for the dinner. Volunteers do the ‘heavy lifting’ to make the dinner happen.
Betty and Mark Billmayer headed up their first Chinook Community Thanksgiving Dinner three years ago and are back to head the annual holiday dinner for a year aided once again by Kathy O’Brien, Jay Eslick and Larry Wisch. One of the first things to do is to reach out to the community for homemade pies. The overall favorite is fruit pies among most bakers and diners.
“Any kind of homemade pies are great,” said Betty. “If those willing to bring a pie could let one of us know in advance that would be great.” All the turkeys prepared for the meal have been donated and the trimmings are generally purchased with the money received through the previous years free will offerings.
According to Betty volunteers serve about 150-200 meals each year and stated that last year included nearly 70 take out meals. Betty requests those wanting a take out meal call in advance but also noted that last year they received calls throughout the day and were able to complete them. For take out or to volunteer help or donate pies contact one of these organizers: Betty and Mark can be reached at 357-4100, Jay Eslick 357-3211 and Kathy O’Brien 357-2937.
Wednesday before Thanksgiving will have many of the volunteers in the center, organizing and getting ready for service. Anyone willing to help then or at 9 a.m. Thursday morning to start preparing for service is more than welcome to join. Jay Eslick will start the Turkeys about 5:30 a.m. Thursday morning.
“We really have a mix of people join us for dinner. Some have no one around and others bring their entire family,” stated Betty. “We have really enjoyed it. It was very easy to walk into, they kept great records, were well organized and just a great group. We have fun, everybody has a good time, such great help. Last year we were done with clean-up by 3:00 p.m.”