Thank You! Rose Noel asked if she could make soup for the month of November as a Fundraiser for the Center! Of course, I said and so she did! Rose raised $716.00 with $121.00 in supplies leaving a total of $595.00 raised to help defray the cost for the Center. Rose had a couple elves helping too: Ann Azure, Vonnie Klungland and Kay Schmitt.
THANK YOU ALSO TO: Heilig family for the beautiful homemade cross wreath.
America’s official national Christmas tree is located in King’s Canyon National Park in California. The tree, a giant sequoia called the “General Grant Tree,” is over 300 feet (90 meters) high. It was made the official Christmas tree in 1925.
Our Meals This Week
Wed. Dec. 11 Hamburgers
Thur. Dec. 12 Chicken Noodle Soup
Fri. Dec. 13 Pork Roast