Carol Klindworth went to Havre on Wednesday and visited her Mom, Betty Hay, and sister Nancy Mahns.
Susan Billmayer went to the Library Wine and cheese open house on Wednesday.
Susan Billmayer, Anita Reed, and Diana Maloney visited Harlan and Jane Krass Saturday morning.
Diana recently had foot surgery and hadn’t been out to see the folks til this weekend.
Linda Hauge visited Dad and Mom Krass Friday afternoon after work.
Congratulations to the Turner Basketball teams that played this weekend. The Jr High had their Tourney at Gildford and the Varsity had their 2 day Classic at Glasgow. They all did well.
Wally and Loretta Beck attended all the Jr. High tournament games this past week at Gildford.
Loretta Beck and Crystal Grabofsky went to Gt Falls on Friday and attended the girls game at 4:30 on their way back .
We received a lost of snow and wind Saturday night and we have snow piled up again. It is below zero on Sunday night.