You know, Lord, sometimes we just seem to get stressed out, and that doesn’t please You, right? ‘Marcella’ shared how she stays on top of things and is relaxed amid the holiday rush. She called them the “Four Big C’s” and recommended them for a happier holiday season. Here’s how she Capitalizes on the Big c’s.
CHRISTMAS CARDS: Write short notes in your cards in late November – or at least during the first week in December. Convey caring as you write, communicating that good feeling to your friends and loved one. That uplift will make you feel relaxed and you’ll have more pep for the next project:
COOKIE BAKING: Sissy and J.D. would be delighted with weekend fun by helping provide sweet- supplies for the season. Just see the children’s eyes brighten and their voices vibrant as they help bake the treats. The good feelings help give another energy boost for the next undertaking:
CLEANING THE HOUSE: Clean one room at a time in early December. Wash windows and mirrors, then polish furniture. Then, knowing that your house is clean and the holiday trimmings are in place will help keep you cheerful and you’re ready to relax and enjoy the holiday season. You’ll face the holidays with gladness and pep and anticipate the fourth big C.
CAROLS: Join your church in carol singing with exuberance. Atten and participate in their Christmas program and cantatas, read the Christmas Story to your family. Use Enthusiasm as your “fuel.”
It’s the heart attitude that’s important here, if it for You, Lord, we know from experience how you can ‘multiply’ things and make all things good.
That all sounds good to me, Lord, so maybe, ‘we’ should give it a try this year. Oh, excuse me while I get the polishing cloths out….
Thank You, Lord, as we prepared to Celebrate YOU.