The White Pine 4H club called to order their meeting at the Meadowlark by president Mya Berreth with three leaders (Ashley Liddle, Jamie Berreth, and Bobbi Klingaman) and 27 members present ( Drake Berreth, Mya Berreth, Heyden Berreth, Kyra Berreth, Charlie Buck, Grace Buck, Gus Buck, Claire Buck, Falyn Cecrle, Micah Conner, Abigail Danley, Laura Danley, Evan Davies, Owen Davies, Aislinn Handy, Aubree Handy, Emma Klingaman, Ethan Klingaman, Jenna Liddle, Sydney Liddle, Cassidy Liddle, Zoe Scofiled, Katie Tilleman, Daniel Tilleman, Lane Wicks, and Hadley Wicks)
The American pledge was led by Falyn Cecrle and 4H pledge by Laura Danley
Roll call was, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and a club picture was taken.
The minutes from the December meeting were read and approved as read.
The treasurer’s report was given by Daniel Tilleman. One bill was presented. Katie Tilleman motioned to pay the bill and Sydney Liddle second the motion. The motion carried.
Emma Klingaman reported on the horse workshop. No other reports were given.
Under old business we discussed our community service project. Daniel Tilleman motioned to get baby chicks to raise and then have them available at the fair. Falyn Cecrle second the motion.
Under New business we discussed our seed show display. We agreed to meet at the EEE room February 11 at 3:30. Grace Buck motioned to do Cuts of Meat for the display and Gus Buck second the motion.
Daniel Tilleman motioned to adjourn the meeting and Katie Tilleman second the motion. The motion carried.
The Next meeting will be February 16th at 2:00 in the Triple E room.