We've Got The County Covered

NMH: COVID-19 Update: Cancellations

Havre, Montana – Northern Montana Health Care (NMHC) has implemented several measures as a result of the COVID-19 crisis that they wish to inform the public. Both Northern Montana Hospital (NMH) and the Northern Montana Care Center (NMCC) are closed for all visitors at this time. The doors will remain locked in both buildings. The Emergency Department doors on the 2nd floor of NMH is the only entry point available to the public. Any persons entering the premises will be screened by nursing staff prior to being admitted. Medical personnel are manning these entrances and the patience of the public is being requested.

NMH and NMCC are closed to all visitors. In the Labor & Delivery Department (LDRP) at NMH, laboring mothers will be allowed one adult support person to be with them. There will be no children admitted into the LDRP under any circumstances. At NMCC, if a patient is facing imminent death, special arrangements will be made for visitors.

Both the Northern Montana Family Medical Center (NMFMC) and the Northern Montana Specialty Medical Center (NMSMC) are open for appointments. However, any patients presenting with flu-like symptoms; fever, dry cough, sore throat, stomach issues or nasal secretions, will be asked to report to the Flu Clinic that has been established at NMHC. That clinic is located on the east side of the NMHC campus in the building formerly known as Medical Group East. Patients are asked to report to the parking lot of the clinic at 124 13th Street and then to call (406) 262-1570 to arrange for an evaluation. All other patients will be screened at the doors of the NMFMC and the NMSCC for admittance. NMHC is asking patients to either come alone or to bring one adult support person with them. Children, unless they are to be seen by a medical provider, should not be brought into the clinics if at all possible.

NMHC would like to reiterate to the Hi-Line community that there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Montana or Hill County at this time. There are however, several high risk exposures in the immediate area. Testing has been done on several patients and NMHC is awaiting the results of these tests.

As further precaution, some elective procedures and services at NMH are being discontinued pending further direction from clinical leaders. This action will be reevaluated as soon as possible. Patients will receive notification if their visits, tests, or procedures have been canceled. This measure is meant to uphold the integrity of all NMHC buildings, along with the long-term care facility, to protect our patients and residents.

If patients are needing to speak with someone in our Billing Departments, please call (406) 262-1708 to speak with a NMHC representative.

More information about COVID-19 can be found at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.

Rendered 03/17/2025 23:17