Remembering on this Mother’s Day the melody your child etched in your heart. The sweet song of love that only your child could place there. As this special day brings their song to you. May the warmth of their eternal love fill your heart once again, for their song is never ending.
Patty Erdman
Alvin “Cubby” Talks Different moved to the Little Rockies Retirement Center on the 2nd of June 2016. Cubby was always willing to share a story or two, as well as some good laughs. We will all miss Cubby around here. He always enjoyed sitting on the front bench and watching for the Vultures on the towers. You could also find Cubby sitting in the chairs inside watching the fish. Especially the Big Guy when he would come out to clean up! And you could catch him making a few walks around the block or the post office.
Thank you to Betty Walker for the eggs; Sandy Morin for the Salmon; Edna “Blue” Miller for the extra food.
Thank you to Chuck Wasser for getting the lawnmower, and Jean from Lakeside, MT for the masks.