We've Got The County Covered
On Monday, Susan and Emily Billmayer and Helen Billmayer, Denise Watkins, Glenna Ammen, Rose Van Voast, and Carla Van Voast went to the Billmayer cabin at Nelson Reservoir. The ladies had a day out together and took picnic lunch and visited the afternoon. They all enjoyed the outing.
4H was held in Turner today with the members turning their books in for the past years projects.
Helen Billmayer, Susan Billmayer, and Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass at her home . They had a good time visiting and then having lunch of zucchini cake, chocolate cookies and peanut butter bars, .along with tea and coffee.
Volleyball games were held in Harlem on Thursday with Malta. Harlem lost all three but enjoyed playing. They were to play Glasgow on Saturday, but the games were canceled because of covid in Glgasgow.
Church council met in Hogeland on Sunday after Church for a business meeting. They also decided Not to have the fall Turkey dinner because of group gathering for covid reasons.
On Friday, Helen and Susan Billmayer and Emily visited Shannon Van Voast in Turner.
We received one-half inch of rain Saturday night and Sunday morning here on the Flat.
On Saturday, Helen and Jim Billmayer, Gene and Susan Billmayer and Emily went to Mark and Betty Billmayer in Chinook for a birthday party for Shannon VanVoast and Stephanie Deutsch. Other friends were also present for the dinner.
One day this week, Marylyn and Jack Dillion of Washington had dinner at the Jim Billlmayer home.
Darwin Zellmer was a visitor at the Wally Beck home Thursday mornng. In the afternoon, Clarence Beck and daughter Penni visited the Zellmers.
On Sunday, Linda and Bum Petrie brought dinner out to her parents home, Jim Billmayers, and for , Gene, Susan, and Emily Billmayer to enjoy.
Wally and Loretta Beck were supper guests along with Rick Grabofsky, Matt, Sadie, Abby, Lucas and Zane Grabofsky, and Shawn, Bobbi, Tate, Ty, and Harley Beck at the Mike Grabofsky home to help little Miss Lucy celebrate her 6th birthday. Happy Birthday Lucy!!