We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Correction from last week: Clarence Beck and daughter Penni visited at the Wally Beck home Thursday afternoon.

Carol and Duane Klindworth attended a wedding and reception on Saturday in Havre. Carol’s sister, Nancy Mahns and Russ Mueller were married. Congratulations Nancy and Russ.

Karyn and Eric Billmayer visited Sunday at the Gene Billmayer home. Susan and Karyn made Hot pickled peppers.

On Wednesday, Katie Billmayer and children and Karen’s mother visited and had dinner at Helen and Jim Billmayers.

On Thursday morning, Helen Billmayer and Susan Billmayer visited Sylvia Mohar and Dee Mohar.

The Krass girls visited and helped Mom Jane Krass throughout the week.

Susan and Emily Billmayer went to the dentist in Havre on Wednesday.

Shannon VanVoast and daughters visited Helen and Jim Billmayer on Friday afternoon and had supper with them.

Cindy Reed and Alan Ohs came from Billings and finished up the step and ramp for Mom and Dad Krass. Diana Maloney brought dinner over for them. Linda Hauge, Anita Reed, Brooke and Bridget and Hilary Richman and Natalie all visited in the afternoon.

We had wind just about every day this week. Miserable wind. It can quit anytime.

Anita and Bridget Reed visited Lucas Reed and Evan Hauge on Friday in HAVRE.

Holly, Cooper and Lucy Grabofsky stayed at Grandma and Grandpas on Friday while their Mother and Cassidy went to Havre. They helped Grandma clean some of the garden out.

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