Great turnout Chinook!!! At our recent blood drive on Tuesday March 2nd we had 54 presenting donors with 52 units collected. Because of your generosity 156 lives will be saved. These numbers are really something to celebrate and we are grateful for each and every one of you who made our drive a success. Our walk in slots were limited but I am happy to say we did not have to turn anybody away. Many of our donors chose to preschedule for the May 11th drive and for those of you who didn't and would like to, the drive is already open for scheduling.
We registered 3 1st time donors; Diane Zielinski, Trisha Merrill and Shelley Benzing. Karen Pike reached 17 gallons, Kasie McIntosh 4 gallons and Crystal Huckabee 3 gallons. Power Red donors included Kurt Jenewein, Carolyn Sheppard, Jennifer Hellman and Myles Laird.
The canteen was hosted by the Ladies from the American Lutheran Church. Those tending to the sack lunches throughout the afternoon were Mildred Dawson, Millie Smith, Terry Grabofsky and Sharon LaPlante. We are all so very happy that we are still able to provide, during this pandemic, the best blood drive canteen in town.
Pastor Jack Mattingly and the United Methodist Church once again so graciously provided the site for the drive at Wallner Hall. Set up for the drive was accomplished by Carla Jenewein, Judy Johnson, and Roxanne Townsend. Clean up for this drive was made possible by Chrissy Downs and the Jump Youth Group. There are a lot of tables and chairs to move around and their willingness to assist is appreciated more than you know.
Door Prizes were donated by the Lutheran Ladies and North Central Montana Cattlewomen. Taking home door prices were Diane Zielinski, Elmer Zarn, Ashley Nordboe, Evelyn Schubert, Don Ranstrom, Jennifer Hellman and Rhonda Brewer.
Others who most certainly need to be recognized for their willingness to contribute to the smooth running of the drive each time is Paulette Keller for delivering the beef certificates, and Judy Johnson and Roxanne Townsend who spent the afternoon at the welcome table.
To each and every one of you, my gratitude for your willingness to donate and to participate in one way or another is unending. I apologize in advance if I have forgotten anybody and please let me know if I did.
Sincerely Carla Jenewein, Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator for Chinook.