The gymnasium at Zurich Elementary School was transformed into a shopping venue on Tuesday, May 25 as students hosted a bake sale. With multiple tables laden with cakes, pies, cookies, and other sweets, shoppers were in for a treat.
According to Lead Teacher and Administrator at the school, Colleen Overcast, the entire process began with a circular that arrived by mail-one that resembled a large postcard-style advertisement. It was an appeal from the Friends of the Pool and Park Foundation, outlining their plan for improvements and their need for support.
Overcast asked her sixth, seventh, and eighth graders how they thought they should respond to that information. One student suggested the class could paint park equipment; another thought they could ask their parents to help. Because the group wished to do something, given that many of them use the Chinook City Pool and Sweet Memorial Park, Overcast suggested a bake sale fundraiser.
"Although students brought baked goods from home, each mixed grade group also took their turn in the kitchen and made things. Our cook, Dean Buffington was a good sport and shared the ovens and his domain with us," Overcast explained.
The primary grades, K-2, made Puppy Chow, which is sometimes called Muddy Buddies or Monkey Munch. Prepared by melting equal parts of chocolate and peanut butter together and coating breakfast cereal, this snack is similar to a dessert Chex mix dusted with powdered sugar.
The third-fifth graders prepared cheesecake bites drizzled with chocolate sauce, and the sixth-eighth graders baked banana bread and made Scotcheroos. These are chewy, peanut butter Rice Krispie bars frosted with melted chocolate and butterscotch chips.
"This project gave the students some experience in the kitchen," Overcast explained. "They had to calculate fractions and pricing. In addition, they learned about the importance of organization and community service. On the day of the sale, they got to practice more math facts while counting money and giving change."
Overcast also shared a kitchen story about a young man operating the electric mixer while the bowl wandered on the counter and he worked to keep it corralled. "It was like a bucking bronc, making such a racket as it hopped and jumped until I told him to hold the bowl steady with his other hand," Overcast laughed.
From homes, the students contributed rhubarb quick bread, coconut cake, chocolate dinosaur shapes, various pies and cookies, and other snack, dessert, and candy items all plated and bagged for selling.
After all the money was counted, the students calculated a profit of $785 on their merchandise. One generous individual contributed a sizeable donation of $500 to the cause, so Zurich Elementary School's total gift to the Foundation will be $1285!