We've Got The County Covered

Field Days Coming Up This Summer

MSU Northern Agricultural Research Center (NARC) and MSU Extension in Phillips, Blaine, Chouteau and Liberty Counties will be hosting several field days this year. These field days highlight the work being done on Northern Agricultural Research Center test plots within the different counties.

Mark your calendars for:

June 21st beginning at 5:00 PM near Loring in Phillips County. The field day will be at the Pete Lumsden Farm near Loring, MT.

June 22nd at 9:00 AM near Loma in Chouteau County. The Loma Location will be near 2088 Houston Road. Watch for signs along Rudyard Road and Houston Road directing you to the site.

June 22nd at 5:00 PM in Blaine County. The Blaine County field day will be at the Max and Kirsti Cederberg Farm north of Turner, MT.

June 23rd at 9:00 AM near Chester in Liberty County. The Chester field day will near the Kurt Kammerzell farm west of Chester. Trials are located two miles south of Highway 2 on Road 1100, then west ½ mile on a section line field road.

Speakers for each of the events include Dr. Jason Cook, Montana State University Spring Wheat Breeder and Geneticist and Jim Berg, Montana State University Wheat Breeding Program Research Associate and Assistant Winter Wheat Breeder. Topics to be covered include spring wheat variety performance and research as well as winter wheat variety performance and research for enhancement of future varieties. In addition, Peggy Lamb, Research Scientist with the Northern Agricultural Research Center, will give an update on the research being done at each of the plot locations.

For additional information, please contact:

Marko Manoukian, MSU Phillips County Extension Agent at (406) 654-2543

Tyler Lane, MSU Chouteau County Extension Agent at (406) 622-3751

Julianne Snedigar, MSU Blaine County Extension Agent at (406) 357-3200

Jesse Fulbright, MSU Liberty County Extension Agent at (406) 759-5625

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