The Superintendent of Turner Public Schools, Tony Warren welcomes students and parents to the 2021-22 school year, recognizes various staff members, and invites the community to warmly receive several new faculty. Turner's first day of instruction will be August 23. Until then, Warren encourages everyone in Tornado Country to enjoy these final days of summer.
In a letter to the parents, Warren emphasized the partnership essential in the education process and stressed his belief that a strong partnership between the school and the parents/guardians makes all the difference in a child's educational experience.
Warren wrote: "We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children achieve their highest potential. We recognize that our children need support from both the home and school to be academically successful. As partners, we share the responsibility for your children's success and want you to know that we will do our best to carry out our responsibilities. We thank you in advance for your commitment to the success of our students."
He also asked for parental/guardian support and guidance by ensuring that students
• Attend school daily and arrive on time, ready for the day's learning experience;
• Complete all assignments given by teachers;
• Read daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills;
• Share school experiences with parents/guardians so that they are aware of their school life;
• Inform parents/guardians about any needs for additional support in any area or subject; and
• Know that parents/guardians expect them to succeed in school.
Warren additionally wishes to applaud the hard work of various staff members during the summer months. "Vanessa Harmon and Steve Humphreys worked diligently to help get our facility in great shape to open the school year; Diana and Shania Maloney kept our grounds watered and looking sharp this summer; and Maggie Kimmel and Sadie Grabofsky were instrumental in helping the district begin the process of freeing up some much needed storage space throughout the facility."
In Warren's words, the district is "fortunate to add three new talented staff members" to their team." First, Mr. Travis Garrett will be joining the junior high/high school as the 7-12 social studies teacher and the district as the K-12 Physical Education instructor. Formerly from Katy, Texas, and a recent graduate of UC-Riverside, Mr. Garrett was enlisted for eight years in the United States Marine Corps.
Next, Mr. Nathan Urie will serve as the agricultural-education teacher. Originally from Ferron, Utah, and recently married, Mr. Urie is a graduate of Utah State University. Finally, Mr. Xerxes Budomo is from the Philippines and will be Turner's 7-12 business education teacher.
About this group, Warren stated: "We are very excited to have these individuals and their families coming to Turner."
Operating on a four-day week, Turner is an active rural community that is very supportive of education and school activities, according to Warren. "The district and Board of Trustees are not only strongly committed to equal access and treatment for all students, families, employees, and the general public but dedicated to creating an environment to educate students for the future."