Triangle Communications has been busily preparing the network and its members for the change from 7-digit local dialing to 10-digit dialing for local calls. The change to mandatory 10-digit dialing will go into effect on October 24. In addition to making that change, we will need to update our cell phone call directories to ensure the numbers for automatic dialing all have ten digits.
Because habits are hard to break, callers were asked to begin dialing ten digits (area code + telephone number) on April 24 so as to make the process a gradual one. While many of us haven't yet complied, once October 24 arrives, we'll have no choice. On and after this date, local calls dialed with only seven digits may not be completed, and a recording will inform callers that the call cannot be completed as dialed. After hearing this recording, the caller must hang up and dial again using the 10-digit number.
The requirement is a result of a recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) change. When Congress passed the National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act of 2018, it directed the FCC and other agencies to analyze the effectiveness of the hotline-which presently is 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)-and to consider the feasibility of a 3-digit, abbreviated dialing code. After conducting their study, the FCC adopted "988" in 2020 as a new number to connect callers to the National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline in the United States. This new three-digit dialing code will be available nationwide by July 16, 2022. Until then, consumers must continue to dial 1-800-273-TALK to reach the Lifeline.
Much like we currently use "N11" numbers-like 911 for police and fire emergencies, 411 for directory assistance, and 511 for traveler information services like road reports-the 988 number will provide an easy to remember and easy to dial three-digit number to reach suicide prevention and mental health counselors.
Triangle Communications (TC) and all other telecommunication carriers across Montana and in 30 other states are impacted by this nationwide requirement and will need to use 10-digit dialing. The 10-digits need to include the 3-digit area code plus the 7-digit phone number. Although the call will remain a local one, members will no longer be able to dial 7-digits to reach a local number effective October 24, 2021. This change affects members calling from a landline or placing a call with their cell phone providers.
Even with these changes, some things will remain the same.
• A member's telephone number, including current area code, will not change;
• The price of a call or other rates and services will not change due to the dialing change;
• What is a local call now will remain a local call, regardless of the number of digits dialed;
• TC members will continue to dial 1+ area code + telephone number for all long distance calls;
• Any "N11" number-such as 611 to reach the Cooperative or 811 "Call Before You Dig" services-that are currently available can still be reached by dialing the three-digit code;
• The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can still be reached by dialing 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
As the phase-in period continues, TC encourages all of its members to take the time to update their websites, business cards, on-line profiles, personal and business stationery, marketing and advertising materials, personal and business checks, promotional items, or any other resources on which they list a phone number to ensure it is listed with all 10-digits.
In addition, all automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to complete calls to 7-digit local numbers, will need to be reprogrammed to complete calls to 10-digit numbers. Some examples are life safety systems or medical monitoring devices, private branch exchanges, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services and other similar functions. We also need to update our mobile or cell phone call directories to ensure the numbers for automatic dialing all have ten digits.
As Montanans, we are proud of our 406 area code; that area code is not changing. We are just being required to enter 406 when placing local and long-distance calls-a minor inconvenience for an important purpose.