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Blaine County to host informational public open house on the Chinook West Levee

CHINOOK – Blaine County is working on the certification of the Chinook Flood Control Levee and is seeking public input on the project.

Staff from Blaine County and WWC Engineering will host a public meeting on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, to discuss the goals of the levee certification and answer questions from the public. They will also discuss current conditions of the levee system, current DNRC flood mapping efforts and next steps in the process. The meeting will provide a forum where people can learn more about the project and provide input on the planning effort. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the District Court on the 3rd Floor of the Blaine County Courthouse, 420 Ohio Street, Chinook, MT 59523.

Those who are unable to attend or wish to attend virtually can do so over Zoom. A link to the meeting can be found at https://mt-gov.zoom.us/j/89824718549?pwd=VUJ0Wnc5MHFuelMwTUJSWnJDZEtkZz09.

The Chinook levee certification includes several goals:

Provide protection of residential homes, businesses.

Provide protection of schools, public utilities, emergency services and recreational facilities.

Provide protection of the Blaine County Airport;

Provide for public health and safety;

Address FEMA guidelines on levee certification;

Broaden citizen knowledge of the levee system.

For more information about the project, please contact Shawn Higley at (406) 443-3962, shigley@wwcengineering.com or visit the DNRC Milk River Floodplain website at http://www.floodplain.mt.gov/milk.

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