The January meeting of Big Flat 4-H club was called to order on January 16, 2022 at 1:00PM at the Turner Christian Church. The American Pledge was led by Hannah Richman and the 4-H Pledge was led by Katie Kimmel. Members present were Piper Fox, Katie Kimmel, Hannah Richman, Jessa Schroder, Hudson and Mary Simons, Hannah and Isabella Van Voast. Leaders present were Shannon Van Voast, Hillary Richman and Bobbi Schroder. Savannah Heilig was a guest.
Hannah, Isabella and Mary gave a report on the swimming meeting party at Sleeping Buffalo in December.
There was no old business.
Under new business Hannah told us that Communications Day is in February. New family orientation is today at the extension office. Shannon told us to be thinking about the Easter Egg hunt in April.
Katie motioned to adjourn the meeting and Hudson second. After the meeting Jessa gave a talk on how 4-H was started. Following Jessa’s talk we watched a movie and had hot chocolate and popcorn.
Submitted by Hannah Van Voast
The February meeting of Big Flat 4-H club was held on Sunday, February 20, 2022 at Richman Insurance in Harlem. Members present include: Mary & Hudson Simons, Izzy & Hannah Van Voast, Jessa Schroder, Hannah & Natalie Richman. Leaders present include: Hillary Richman, Bobbi Schroder, and Shannon Van Voast. The American Pledge was led by Natalie and 4-H pledge by Hannah Van Voast. Under Old Business Shannon made sure everyone got their 4-H project books. Under New Business we discussed the upcoming Easter egg hunt. The club will buy supplies to stuff Easter eggs. We also talked about the booth for the Seed Show. A committee was formed to make our educational display. Members of the committee are Hannah & Natalie Richman, Hudson & Mary Simons and Hannah & Isabella Van Voast. Hudson moved to adjourn the meeting and Hannah second it. After the meeting was adjourned we made Valentine gift boxes for residents of Little Rockies. Hudson & Mary, Hannah & Isabella and Jessa delivered the baskets to residents.
Submitted by
Isabella Van Voast