The deuces were wild on February 22 when one of the grandest palindromes of 2022 arrived on Tuesday, which was unofficially dubbed as "Two's Day." The date was so rare that the National Weather Service claims another such Two's Day won't happen again for another 400 years, in 2422 when February 22 again falls on a Tuesday.
Besides all of the twos of this date, the palindrome aspect makes it significant. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards-like madam, noon, civic, or 2/22/22. What made it doubly special is that the date, with all of its twos, was the same no matter what part of the world a person calls home and regardless of whether one's country uses the day-month-year or year-month-day format.
Schools in Blaine County also celebrated, with the staff at Harlem Elementary School all wearing tutus. To add a few more twos to the fun, everyone got into the spirit and danced to the Shuffle at exactly 2:22 p.m.
Similar shenanigans transpired at Meadowlark Elementary School in Chinook. Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Danelle Gibson reported that her tutu was a major distraction, given that it was stiff and abrasive rather than light and fluffy. "I kept knocking things off of tables and desks, and it would catch in students' hair as I walked by. By the end of the day, I was told that my tutu was dangerous," Tangen reported.
Mrs. Sheena Barber's first graders celebrated a special day "all about 2's." To join in the fun, she invited her students to wear a tutu, a tie, tube socks, or tie-die.
Google also took part. Anyone who Googled 2/22/22 on Tuesday received a message of "Happy Twosday 2 You!" while confetti fell across the surfer's computer screen.