We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Wally and Loretta Beck attended the Big Flat Grocery shareholder meeting in Turner Tuesday evening.

Anita Reed and Diana Maloney took Jane Krass to a doctor appointment on Tuesday.

Loretta and Wally Beck visited at the Darwin and Betty Zellmer home Thursday morning, and then on to Havre where they met up with Beatrice Kane. They enjoyed lunch together at Murphy’s.

Susan Billmayer attended a 4-H Foundation meeting in Chinook on Thursday afternoon.

Diana Maloney and Anita Reed helped Jane Krass throughout the week with chores.

Wally and Loretta Beck attended the Farewell party on Saturday evening for Dan, Maggie, and Katie Kimmel at the Turner Park.

Darel and Linda Hauge stopped to visit Jane Krass on Saturday afternoon and she planted some flowers for Mom.

Pastor Will Rima was a lunch guest at the Wally Beck home after church on Sunday.

Susan Billmayer and Jennifer Strzelczyk attended the State Garden Club Convention in Missoula over the weekend. Susan received the honor of being chosen the Garden Club Member of the Year! Congratulations, Susan!

Hilary, Hannah, and Natalie Richman stopped to visit Jane Krass before their 4-H meeting on Sunday. They cooked dinner for Mom while visiting.