Kevin Beck and Loretta Beck enjoyed lunch together at Char’s on Monday in Havre.
On Tuesday, Crystal, Cassidy, Holly, Cooper, and Lucy Grabofsky and Tate and Ty Beck were over to help with yardwork and to visit with Grandpa Wally.
Darwin Zellmer was a visitor on Wednesday at the Wallace Beck home.
Susan Billmayer had coffee with Jane Krass, Diana Maloney and Anita Reed on Saturday and they all had a good visit.
On Thursday Wally and Loretta Beck helped Ty Beck celebrate his 13th birthday at Shawn and Bobbi Beck’s home along with other family members.
Diana Maloney and Anita Reed took Jane Krass to Havre and Chinook on Thursday for appointments.
Gary Olszewski visited at the Wallace Beck home Friday afternoon. Ed and Kathy Zellmer stopped by that evening.
Jim, Diane, and Kelsey Jenks and Tate and Tami Kreitinger were visitors at the Wallace Beck home on Saturday.
Guests at the Wallace Beck home on Sunday were Pastor Will Rima and Crystal, Cassidy, Holly, Cooper, and Lucy Grabofsky.
On Sunday, Linda and Darel Hauge, Hilary and Hannah Richman, and Diana Maloney visited Jane Krass.
Ed Zellmer was a Saturday evening visitor at the Wallace Beck home.
Several Turner High School girls and boys played in the Malta Summer Shootout in Malta over the weekend.
Congratulations to newlyweds Sydney (Obrecht) and Josh Pickering who were married in Turner on Saturday. Best Wishes!