We've Got The County Covered
At the recent July Meeting of the Chinook School Board of Trustees action was taken to certify and make official the minutes of their June 14, 2022, meeting. Plenty of issues were addressed during the June meeting including the accepting of resignation letters, hiring of new teachers and paraprofessionals as well as the Summer School program.
Chairman Frank Billmayer called the meeting to order, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Chairman Billmayer welcomed visitors Alicia Noel, Walter Waldner, Donald Swenson, Jill Paulson, Kelsey Harry, Danelle Gibson and Laura Kellam. Board members present included Frank Billmayer, Russell Alisch, Mitzi Cecrle, Kevin Elias, Shane Strobe, Scott DePriest and Chad Beck. Absent was Trustee Teddy Crowley. The following is a general summary of the meeting minutes. For a complete printout of the June 14 official minutes please stop by the Chinook School Business Office located on the main floor of the high school and ask for a copy.
In High School Principal, Matt Molyneaux’s report, he stated that work is being done to complete the upcoming schedule for next year as well as updating and working on the Student Handbook. Principal Molyneaux also reported that State Reports have been submitted. Superintendent Hoffman addressed issues in finding a qualified Ag Teacher as well as accepting applications for a part time dishwasher. Mr. Hoffman also reported that a bus Contractor was in for gas prices and that a transportation meeting was being set up. The upcoming budget was still being worked on and will be nailed down. Mr. Hoffman also reported that the summer work crew was moving along at lightning speed and that the Meadowlark will be done very soon. Ceiling tiles are being replaced and plenty of painting is being done to increase school pride.
The Board of Trustees then considered the resignations of Karyn Billmayer, Brylle Dadang, Katheryn Else, Robert Parker and Theresa Danley. A motion to recognize the resignation letters of Elementary Staff (Brylle Dadang and Theresa Danley) was made by Trustee Cecrle and seconded by Trustee Elias. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Alisch then made a motion to recognize the resignation letter of 7-12 staff (Karyn Billmayer, Katheryn Else and Robert Parker), motion was seconded by Trustee Cecrle and carried unanimously.
The Board then considered hiring recommendations beginning with Alicia Noel, a 6th Grade elementary Teacher. A motion to hire was made by Trustee Elias and seconded by Trustee DePriest. Motion carried unanimously. The Board then considered the recommendation to hire Shirley Azzopardi as Special Education Mentor/Consultant, Kyli Kropf for Part Time English and Katelyn Kaftan as 7-12 Paraprofessional. Motion to hire was made by Trustee Alisch and seconded by Trustee DePriest. Motion again carried unanimously.
The Board the considered the recommendation to hire maintenance, kitchen and playground staff (Don Swenson, Edward Harrison, Bridgette Briere, Robert Azure, Clayton Parsons, Rob Darrah, Heidi Brown, Barbara Swenson, Larilyn Birky and Kristen Shelor). It was noted that Superintendent Hoffman will be making changes in the duties for Ms. Shelor. Motion to hire maintenance, kitchen and playground staff was made by trustee Alisch and seconded by Trustee DePriest and passed unanimously.
The Board then considered the extrafibrillar advisor roles for the high school classes as well as NHS, STUCO, Pep Club, Pep Band and others. All advisor recommendations were accepted and the motion to pass was carried unanimously. The Board then considered the hiring of Tawna Richman as Assistant Junior High Volleyball Coach and Kelsey Harry and Jill Paulsen as Junior High Advisors. Motion to Hire was made by Trustee Cecrle and seconded by trustee Elias. Motion carried unanimously. Susan Erskine was also approved by the Board of Trustees as 504 Coordinator.
A Consideration of Coaching Stipends for Cross Country was discussed. Mr. Hoffman would like the stipend to remain the same as all other high school sports. A $3,500 donation was made by Julie Terry and her family. Motion to approve Cross Country Stipends was approved by Trustee Elias and seconded by Trustee Alisch. Motion carried unanimously.
The Board then considered handbook changes to increase the penalties for drug and alcohol violations and threats of school violence (shootings, bombings, etc.). Mr. Hoffman recommends up to a five-day suspension for the first offense and up to a 10-day suspension for a second offense. This would be an out of school suspension. Motion to pass was made by Trustee Elias and seconded by Trustee Alisch. Chairman Billmayer then asked for public comment and none was made. Chairman Billmayer then asked for discussion and discussion ensued. Chairman Billmayer acknowledged that the school has a drug problem and that this subject/motion is meant to aid administration efforts. “The penalties are meant to give the administration more teeth to do something. This issue takes a lot of time from everyone. This issue is ongoing, and we don’t want to revisit this in six months”. Trustee Alisch wanted to know why a days suspended limit should be set. Chairman Billmayer and Mrs. Kellam gave the reasoning for a limit and stated that avoiding inconsistencies were behind it. Motion carried unanimously.
A lengthy discussion then ensued detailing school safety and measures that may or may not be considered including potentially lethal and non-lethal defense weaponry, in wake of school shootings nationwide and local threats of a school shooting. A wide variety of suggestions, ideas were discussed, and many comments were made. The discussion was informational and at its conclusion Chairman Billmayer stated that none of these discussions have been made in private or behind closed doors. If the Board decides to allow firearms, it will strictly be voluntary. “Not all teachers make good cops and not all cops make good teachers, but some can do both,” said Billmayer. “We don’t want a situation where we are asking ‘what more could we have done?” Additional discussion followed about future training and other options that may be available.
Trustee Alisch motioned to adjourn the meeting and Trustee Cecrle seconded. Motion passed unanimously.