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Hays/Lodge Pole School Board Addresses, Hirings, actions at a Pair of special Meetings

The Hays/Lodge Pole School District No. 50 Board of Trustees approved and certified minutes from a pair of special meetings held on Thursday, June 23 and Wednesday, June 29 addressing specific issues as they prepare for the upcoming 2022-23 School Year. In the first session the Board considered the hiring of various extracurricular and staff personnel. In the second session the Board further addressed the hirings and an extended public comment discussion was had.

The June 23 Special Board Meeting was called to order by Board Chair Ken Morin. Roll call then followed with Trustees Robert Fox, Maria Doney and Joshlynn Morgan present, Trustee Jay W. Mount was absent. At the Regular School Board Meeting held on June 14, several extracurricular, staff and administrative positions were presented as open to the Board of Trustees by Superintendent Condon and recommendations to fill some of those openings were presented to the Board early in the meeting.

The position of Head Boys Basketball Coach was recommended to be filled by Derrick Shambo. Trustee Fox made a motion to hire Derrick Shambo as Head Boys Basketball Coach. The motion was seconded by Trustee Doney and carried with three trustees in favor, one Trustee absent and one trustee abstaining. Cody Shambo was recommended to the Board to fill the position of Head Girls Basketball Coach. Motion to hire was made by Trustee Doney and seconded by Trustee Fox. Motion again passed with three Trustees in favor, one Trustee abstaining and one Trustee absent.

The Board was the presented with the recommendation to hire Adam Doney as Junior High Boys Football Coach. Motion to hire was made by Trustee fox and seconded by Trustee Doney. Motion carried with four Trustees in favor and one Trustee abstaining.

The Board then heard discussion regarding the open Dean of Students position. Mr. Condon informed the Board that there were still more interviews to be done and asked the board to table this item. Motion to table the hiring of Dean of Students was made by Trustee fox and seconded by Trustee Doney. Motion passed with four Trustees in favor and one Trustee absent. Trustee Morin then asked Mr. Condon, “Who’s in charge?”. Mr. Condon replied, “Reyna (Monteau) is in charge until June 30th. Trustee Morin said he would like to know who is in charge after that and to please inform. Trustee Doney motioned to adjourn the meeting, Trustee Fox seconded, and meeting was adjourned.

The second Special Meeting took place on Wednesday, June 29 and was called to order by Board Chair Ken Morin. Also in attendance were Trustees Jay W Mount, Robert Fox, Maria Doney and Joshlynn Morgan. Superintendent Condon was present via zoom.

Mr. Condon requested the Board consider a two-week extended contract for Nedra Horn, to do data and to be paid. Trustee Doney then requested the addition of contacting Darlene Sellars to inquire about her interest in serving as a Mental Health Therapist. Trustee Morgan motioned to approve the requests to the agenda as presented, Trustee Fox seconded, and motion passed 5-0.

The Board then considered the recommendation to hire Geno LeValdo as Assistant High School Boys Basketball Coach. Motion was made by Trustee Fox to accept the recommendation to hire and was seconded by Trustee Doney. Motion passed with four trustees voting in favor and one Trustee abstaining.

Next the topic of Dean of Students was again presented to the Board after being tabled at the previous Special Meeting. Mr. Condon recommended Mella Stiffarm as the Drop Out Prevention Specialist. A motion was made by Trustee Fox to table until all applicants have been interviewed. Motion was seconded by Trustee Jay W Mount and motion carried with four Trustees in favor and one abstaining. Motion was made by Trustee Doney to approve the contacting of Darlene Sellars for Mental Health Consultant. Motion passed unanimously.

After the Public Comment statement was read to those in attendance a discussion was necessary. Trustee Doney expressed her concern about a comment made by someone about the Board having no control and the Board needs to work together. Board Chairman Morin said this is public comment time, everyone is welcome here, and who is in charge, and communicate with the Board. Trustee Jay W Mount said “Things are the same everywhere,” and told Mr. Condon he needs to communicate with the Board Chair, and that the Board wants to work with him. Trustee Fox said the Board needs training and basic communication, parliamentary procedures, etc. Trustee Morgan added, “We are here for the kids, there are rules to follow, and we all need to follow them.” It was then decided that Mr. Condon will set up training for the Trustees and have an informal meeting with the Board.