Susan Billmayer attended the New Horizons Unlimited board meeting Tuesday evening.
Jane Krass went to Havre for appointments on Tuesday with Diana Maloney and Anita Reed.
Susan Billmayer attended the Cat Show at the Blaine County Fair Thursday afternoon.
Linda and Darel Hauge and Susan Billmayer visited Jane Krass on Sunday.
Loretta Beck went to Great Falls on Monday for a doctor appointment and enjoyed lunch with Laura Sherwood. She also had ice cream at Dairy Queen with Daniella Schilling and Dallas and Blade Beck before heading home.
Darwin, Betty, and Harper Zellmer visited Wally Beck while Loretta was in Great Falls.
Beatrice Kane came out from the Bear Paws on Tuesday and spending a few days at the Wallace Beck home.
On Thursday, Wally, Loretta, and Beatrice went over to the Mike Grabofsky’s home and enjoyed lunch with Crystal and the kids. On the way home, they stopped for a visit with Mike and Dixie Teague in Turner.
Patty Simons was a visitor at the Wallace Beck home on Thursday morning.
Wednesday visitors at the Wallace Beck home were Darwin, Betty, Addilyn, Norah, and Harper Zellmer and Elissa and Gracie Zellmer.
Loretta Beck and Beatrice Kane visited at the Shawn and Bobbi Beck home on Saturday afternoon.
By Jane Krass - 8/21 News
Beatrice Kane left for her home in the Bear Paws on Tuesday after spending a week visiting at the Wallace Beck home.
Anita and Bridget Reed took Jane Krass to Havre on Tuesday for appointments.
Susan and Gene Billmayer were in Havre Wednesday for medical appointments.
Sharon Goodrich visited Jane Krass on Wednesday and brought some delicious peach cobbler for her to enjoy.
Wally and Loretta Beck were visitors at the Shawn Beck home on Wednesday evening going especially to visit Jim and Diane Jenks and Tami Kreitinger of Lakeside.
Diane Jenks and Nancy Snider visited with Jane Krass on Thursday afternoon as well as Bridget and Anita Reed.
On Thursday evening, Wally and Loretta Beck enjoyed supper at the Border Bar with the Jenks’ and a few others.
Loretta Beck took the volleyball girls to practice in Harlem on Friday and visited at the Darwin and Betty Zellmer home while waiting for the girls to get done.
Brenda and Terry Mohar hosted a barbecue at their farm Saturday night. Rhonda Mohar and Jack Thompson and Misty and Dusty Mohar and boys were in attendance.
Susan Billmayer visited Jane Krass and family on Sunday after church.
Saturday afternoon visitors at the Wally Beck home were Darwin and Betty Zellmer and Richard and Marcia Mohar.
Linda and Darel Hauge visited Sunday with mom, Jane Krass. Linda was a visitor and helped mom several days this week as well.
School began at the Turner School on Monday. Have a great year everyone!