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Giving Thanks During This Month of 'Thanks'giving

Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 24 and hopefully the day can be celebrated with friends and family gathered around the dinner table enjoying a bountiful feast with all the trimmings. Concluding the day with great conversation, watching the football game or just hanging out would be fantastic as well. Maybe your thing is heading to the Community Dinner or spending time with friends uptown enjoying a buffet of delicious food at your favorite watering hole. Whatever your Thanksgiving may be, hopefully its everything you could ask for.

In the days leading up to the holiday what if everyone took some time to stop and give thanks or show appreciation to the unsung heroes that exist in small towns everywhere. The community member that always seems to be there when a donation is needed, or assistance is required hosting a function. You know the individual who wants to help, but not be seen. There are so many individuals that fit that description in Blaine County and often time their contributions go completely unnoticed. What if for the next 15 days everyone makes an extra effort to thank these individuals, maybe doing it with a card or a simple thank you, anonymously would suffice, or just talk to them face to face and say thank you!

Don Richman can't speak highly enough of one community member that wishes to remain 'behind the scenes', "In all the years that I have done business and if I ever needed any help with anything, putting on an event, raising money for an organization all I ever had to do is pick up the phone and call. For years we put on Golf Tournaments down here, the Richman Insurance Tournament and the Harlem Merchant Tournament and this person was always willing to step up and help with whatever we needed, financially, with food, pop, prizes didn't matter he was always there to help, and he did it all behind the scenes.

Don highlighted this individuals desire to remain quiet, "Never wanted to be hailed for his contribution. Every time the Fireman had a Feed or the Ambulance crew it didn't matter in Chinook, Harlem, Fort Belknap, he was always there ready to do what was needed. One of the things that I have always admired about this person is that he has lived a life that I think all of us wishes we could. He has never put himself above anybody, always been compassionate and treated everyone with the same genuine respect. He is the kind of guy I would want in a foxhole with me if I ever had to go back in the service, I think that highly of him."

Teachers have faced an uphill battle, especially the past few years and a couple of local teachers were happy to share their thoughts, "I think all teachers deserve a special thank you for all the work they do for the community. To the teachers who sends home extra snacks with kids who might not have enough to eat; thank you. To the teachers that have bought shoes, gloves, hats, coats for kids who don't have them; thank you. For the teachers who have trimmed a child's hair at school (with parent's permission of course); thank you. For the teachers that brings in birthday treats for the kids whose parents didn't send any in; thank you. To all teachers, thank you for the time and energy you have put into our community's children."

Tammy Edwards is thankful for so many things, "As a teacher I have witnessed some really kind gestures from community members who want to help the school. There was a gentleman who donated cash for classrooms so teachers could stretch the classroom budget to include things they might not otherwise be able to afford. I got a new incubator that way." Edwards added, "There are people who sponsor kids anonymously at the book fair. So, we'll be asked which student might need a little boost and then choose a book or two for them to enjoy sponsored by the community member. Also, at the last book fair someone donated books to teachers for their classrooms, which was really kind and appreciated by all!

Edwards feel strongly about the gestures of many, "Personally, I think teenagers have a lot to offer the community. You see them helping out at various events around town. I always had student volunteers help with the Wildlife Museum Banquet auction. Whenever I see teenagers opening doors for elderly folks or offering to do heavy lifting, it gives me hope for the future. We have great young adults around here! Another example of kindness and generosity is in the coffee line. I've had a few times when my drink was paid for by someone just trying to make others' day brighter. We have some really thoughtful people here, which is one of the reasons I enjoy living in Chinook."

Chinook resident Tracy McCracken shared her thoughts, "All the time our volunteer EMT's and Volunteer Fire Departments county wide put in with, classes, certifications, training of others all their hours of dedication is something everyone should be thankful for.

One such guy we know of is from Turner, an EMT, involved with the fire department, instrumental in new sewer system being put in Turner. He is a Veteran, a farmer, and a Postmaster. He also got the Lions Club restarted in Turner and is always supportive of all Turner events, a guy who takes no recognition, stands in the back, but gets things done. We do need to take time and visit with family and friends and remember these people who did and still do for our community of Blaine County."

Remember to say Thank You, it's really not that hard, make the effort.


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