We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Loretta Beck spent a couple of days last week helping decorate Christmas cookies at the Grabofsky and Beck homes.

Darwin and Betty and Keith Zellmer were visitors at Loretta Beck’s on Dec. 12. They enjoyed playing a few hands of cards together.

On Wednesday, Carol Klindworth went to a Christmas party at her mom, Betty Hay’s apartment complex in Havre.

Gene and Susan Billmayer were in Havre on Tuesday visiting with Jim and Helen.

Loretta Beck went to Havre Thursday to shop and stopped at Darwin Zellmer’s to wish him a happy birthday on the way home.

Susan Billmayer attended a New Horizon Unlimited Board meeting Thursday in Harlem.

Beatrice Beck Kane passed away Dec. 16th in Helena. She was spending the winter there with her son Jack. Sympathy is extended to the family from the Big Flat community.

Susan Billmayer visited with Marna and Jennifer Strzelczyk Friday afternoon in Harlem.

On Sunday, Darel and Linda Hauge visited Jane Krass in the morning. Darel shoveled Jane’s driveway. Hilary Richman visited in the afternoon.

Susan Billmayer visited at Jane Krass’ on Tuesday with Jane and Anita.

Duane and Carol Klindworth had dinner at Matt and Annie Klindworth’s to celebrate Elliot’s 6th birthday.

Merrilyn Billmayer and Loretta Beck attended the basketball games in Turner vs. Fort Benton on Friday.

We’ve had fog and snow on and off throughout the week.

Loretta Beck attended church at the Turner Lutheran Church for the Sunday

School Program Sunday morning, and enjoyed rolls afterwards. She also attended the Catholic Church program later that day, and a delicious pork dinner following the program.

The Turner Varsity basketball teams played their first home game of the season on Friday vs. Fort Benton, then traveled to Chester on Saturday to play CJ-I.

The girls visited mom, Jane Krass, throughout the week and helped with chores.

Merry Christmas to everyone!