We've Got The County Covered

CJ Hanson is New North Central Montana Stockgrowers President

The North Central Montana Stockgrowers recently held their annual meeting at the Blaine County Fairgrounds Commercial Building. 'Serving the Livestock Industry Since 1920' is the Association's motto and it's probably safe to say that the annual meeting has become a great time and place to recognize the individuals that make the industry so great. This year's function got underway at 2:00 pm with the Annual Meeting. Speakers took the stage from 3:00-5:00 pm followed by a social hour and Prime Rib dinner at 6:00 pm. This year's dinner speaker was Auctioneer Kyle Shobe, familiar to many as the Bear Paw Roundup PRCA Rodeo announcer each year. In addition, a silent auction was held to benefit the "Local Beef in the School Program".

At the meeting members selected a new board to lead the association and selected CJ Hanson to be their next President. The position is one with tremendous responsibility, but one Hanson looks forward to, "I am excited and nervous about becoming the president of North Central Stockgrowers. I am definitely not a public speaker, I see cows all day long and we don't always have the best of conversations, but this pushes me out of my shell to pursue my passion, which is cattle."

Hanson was appreciative of his predecessor, "I would like to begin by thanking Merle Young for the past four years of dedication to the Stockgrowers." Hanson was thrilled with the way the entire day went, "The Blaine County Fair Board cooked a great Prime Rib dinner. Everyone who helped with the Silent Auction, sponsors who donated money or silent auction items made the gathering a success. This year we chose Kyle Shobe to be our main speaker. He did a tremendous job and also auctions at many of our local bull sales. He also spoke with Joel Sewell, about upcoming cattle markets and what we possibly might see this year."

Hanson is happy to be serving alongside some great individuals on the new board, "I will be working with an awesome board of directors, our Vice President is Jeremy Hoffman of Havre. The Board also includes Weston Brown of Big Sandy, Kody Peterson of Gildford, Megan Raty and Lane Schmidt of Chinook, Gavin Maloney of Turner, and our newest member Chancin Solomon of Havre. Lastly is the heart and soul of our organization which is Juli Snedigar who is our secretary treasurer. She keeps everything organized and in control, and she needs great recognition for all of her hard work."

To start his term as President, Hanson shares his thoughts, "I have some short term goals that we are looking to accomplish this year. One is to continue and to expand our Beef to School Program. So far, the schools that are involved are North Star, Big Sandy, Turner, and Chinook. Thanks to Lane Schmitt who has kept the ball rolling and done a fantastic job with this program. Bear Paw Meats has done all the processing for the entire program, and we cannot thank them enough. Also, our local ranchers have shown great support, and it is cool to be a part of. I remind folks to keep in mind, any donations towards processing are always greatly appreciated."

Hanson concluded by saying, "The last short term goal that we have in mind is starting our quarterly meetings face to face. Covid made it very difficult for us, but this year we will try and have meetings around the counties to support local businesses. Lastly, I would like to mention our long term goals. Our largest goal is to increase our number of memberships. Everyone, even if they don't own cattle, everyone is involved in some way shape or form in our Ag industry. It is important to unite our Montana central counties to show and share our support for our livelihood, our way of life."

If anyone has any questions, please contact CJ or any member of the Board of Directors. Follow North Central Montana Stockgrowers us on Facebook to keep up to date with North Central Stockgrowers events.