The Chinook School Board addressed the Hartland Colony School Contract at its most recent meeting on Monday, February 13, 2023. Mr. Hofman is recommending we amend the Contract with Hartland (paragraph 3) to read that the District may close the school when enrollment is under 10 or the District may issue an assessment for every student the colony is short from 10. The Colony will also assume mileage costs for staff traveling to the Colony. He wanted to give credit to the person that did the data analysis for Hartland Colony from prior years. Numbers were spot on. It is advantageous for us to keep the Hartland Colony School. We will do a student assessment. Mr. Hofman provided some numbers for the board and the public. Transportation will run around $10,000 but this amount could be cut in half if the Colony provided a teacherage for use during the school week. The assessment for 2023-24, if we use the $3,250 figure would be $19,500. It would drop a little each year until the numbers hit 10, which they should in 3-4 years. Motion to accept the amended contract language recommended by Mr. Hofman: Trustee Elias. Seconded: Trustee DePriest.
Chairman Billmayer asked for public comment. Mr. J. Waldner wanted to the thank Mr. Hofman and the rest of the board. Mr. J. Waldner wanted everyone to know that they pay close to $200,000 in property taxes. Most of the money is going to the school. He stated that what we are proposing is good and that they will help with our share. Chairman Billmayer thanked Mr. J. Waldner for their property taxes and coming for attending the school board meeting. Chairman Billmayer asked for a discussion. Discussion ensued. Chairman Billmayer appreciated that we all could work together to find a solution. Things have been tough these last two years, but the board’s goal is to educate all our kids. Trustee Crowley asked about closing schools down and the time frame? Mr. Hofman answered his question. The motion carried unanimously.