The Antique Tractor and Car/Models and Antique Toy Show will take place in the Vo Ag building at Harlem High School on Saturday March 11th from 10AM to 3PM.
Entries for all categories will be accepted from 8:30 to 10AM.
There are no limits on what types of vehicles that can be entered. So, anyone who has a vehicle to show, we encourage you to bring it. Due to limited indoor space, we ask that you reserve a space in advance.
The models and antique farm toys can be brought in the morning of the show , however if you have a fairly large display, let us know ahead of time so that we have ample room.
The public will vote for their favorite entry in each catagory, and a Peoples Choice Award will be given in each category.
For more information or to enter call Max Cederberg 357-8030 or Alan Van Voast 301-0597