Alert readers of a certain age (60 or over) likely know someone who has suffered a fall or experienced a fall themselves. Statistics show that more than one in four Americans aged 65+ fall each year. And in Montana, the rate of seniors that fall is higher than the national average. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) falls by seniors result in more than three million injuries treated in emergency departments annually, including over 800,000 hospitalizations. The most common injuries from falls among the elderly are fractures to the hip, wrist, humerus and pelvis. Some studies indicate the cost of treating these falls from injuries could reach $101 billion by 2030.
So, how can falls by the elderly, and the accompanying injuries and costs, be reduced? One approach to reducing falls by the elderly will be offered by the Blaine County Health Department. Hosted at the Chinook Senior Center "Stepping On" is a fall prevention program for seniors that addresses risk factors in the home and community. The program will meet one day per week for about an hour and a half. There is no charge for the seven-week program.
The target audience is adults age 60+ who live in their own home or apartment. Participants should not be using a walker inside their residence or a scooter or wheelchair any time. "Stepping On" was created in Australia and is now being used by most states in the U.S. Studies have shown that folks who complete the program show a measurable 31% reduction in injuries from falls.
Reactions to "Stepping On" program held in our area
Mark Weber and Laura Feltz, with the Blaine County Health Department, are trained instructors for the "Stepping On" program. They recently completed the first class in our area at the Havre Senior Center. Weber described the program format as "...interactive, we like to get the participants involved and practicing what we are teaching." He added, "We had a solid following of people who stuck with the program despite the fact many of the classes were held during the worst part of the winter." After the upcoming class in Chinook Weber and Feltz will be presenting additional "Stepping On" classes as far east as Malta and at additional locations in Blaine and Hill Counties.
Doug Heltne, a seventy-nine year old retiree who lives in Havre, just completed the "Stepping On" program in Havre. Heltne said he enjoyed the class and found the discussions about "things we can do at home and outside to be more aware of risks of falling" helpful and practical. He added, "This was an especially rough winter with all the ice and snow. Just about everyone I know has fallen this past winter, including myself the one day I did not wear my grippers on my shoes." Heltne found the safety tips and exercises helpful with his balance and gave help recognizing risks of falling.
"Stepping On" teaches participants several exercises that can be done at home, all designed to improve balance and deal with potential falls. Of the exercises Heltne explained, "The exercises are designed to strengthen muscles we don't often use but help improve our balance and avoid falls. I'm not real faithful about doing them at home but can tell a difference in my balance when I do them." He added that he and a couple of other seniors who just completed the program sometimes do the exercises together when they meet for coffee at the Havre Senior Center.
Heltne strongly urged people to give "Stepping On" a try. "Try it," he said, "and if you don't like it you can stop going." He said the class met in the large dining area at Havre's center and some people who watched the first few classes eventually became participants themselves. Summing up about the first falls prevention class, Heltne said, "Mark (Weber) and Laura (Feltz) put on a great program, I'm glad I was able to participate."
To join the next session of "Stepping On" in Chinook
The next "Stepping On" class will meet in the main room of the Chinook Senior Center (324 Pennsylvania St). The first session will begin on Wednesday, May 3 at 10:30 am. Classes will meet each Wednesday for seven weeks.
To register call for "Stepping On" you can call Blaine Public Health at 357-2345. A sign-up sheet is also available at the senior center. There is no charge to participate and materials will be provided at no cost. For questions about whether the class is right for your situation and physical condition call Mark or Laura and 357-2345.
Class participants wishing to stay for lunch at the Chinook Senior Center should ask for a meal reservation when they arrive for the class or call 357-2648 before 10:30 am