Susan Billmayer judged at the county fair in Glasgow on Tuesday.
Annie, Matt, and Carol Klindworth were at the Blaine County Fair in Chinook and watched Isaac and Hannah show their pigs on Saturday. They did a good job!
Crystal, Cassidy, Holly, Cooper and Lucy Grabofsky helped Grandma Loretta with outdoor chores on Monday.
Susan Billmayer visited Jane Krass and Diana Maloney on Friday morning.
On Tuesday afternoon, Merrilyn Billmayer, Nancy Snider, Patty Simons, and Loretta Beck were over to visit Shirley Keller.
Susan Billmayer helped with the 4-H Breakfast Sunday morning at the Chuckwagon.
Linda and Darel Hauge and Hilary and Natalie Richman visited Sunday with Jane Krass to visit and help mom with chores.
Loretta Beck went to Great Falls on Wednesday and while there enjoyed lunch with Laura and Dale Sherwood.
Grandma Loretta took grandkids Harley, Cooper, and Lucy to the Kids Rodeo in Chinook on Sunday.
Jane Krass’ girls visited throughout the week and Diana and Anita took her to Havre for medical appointments on Monday.