The October meeting for Big Flat 4-H club was held on Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 4:00PM at the Harlem Public Library. The American pledge was led by Natalie Richman. The 4-H pledge was led by Modesty Chamberlain. There was no treasurer’s report or correspondence. Members present were Modesty, Alaina, Mason, Hannah R., Natalie, Jessa, Hannah V and Isabella. Leaders present were Shannon, Hilary and Bobbi. Trent Noel was our guest.
Old Business
A report on the bowling party was given by Hannah Van Voast. A report on the window display was given by Modesty Chamberlain.
New Business
Achievement night is scheduled for November 12. Modesty made a motion for Hilary to make a candy bouquet for our door prize. Natalie seconded the motion, it passed unanimously. Our club is responsible for hosting officer training. We will try to schedule this during one of the project days. It is our responsibility to find a location and people to present about the different jobs that are available.
We held elections. Officers for the 2023 – 2024 4-H year are:
President: Hannah Richman
Vice President: Modesty Chamberlain
Secretary: Jessa Schroder
Treasurer: Natalie Richman
Historian: Piper and Avery Fox
Reporter: Hannah and Isabella Van Voast
After our meeting Trent Noel spoke about ZSuite. He showed us the different parts that have to be created for record books to be done.
Submitted by Hannah Van Voast.
Hannah Van Voast
Turner, MT 59542