A recent inspection found advanced spalling, cracking, and deterioration at the concrete beam ends in Span 1. Due to the severe conditions of the beam ends, the bridge can no longer carry traffic safely and reliably on the exterior beams. For public safety, traffic is restricted down to a single 12-foot lane centered on the bridge. Once the 12-foot centered lane is in place, any currently permitted overweight vehicles will be allowed to cross if the vehicle fits within the 12-foot restriction. Moving forward, MDT have recommended no additional permitting of overweight, wide loads across this structure. This structure is being inspected daily in addition to a one-month special inspection frequency to examine conditions. If the interior concrete beams continue to deteriorate, additional actions may be necessary to protect public safety. Restricting traffic to one 12-foot centered lane will most likely be controlled by temporary signals, channelizing devices, and signage. At this time MDT is not planning for a detour route as oversized and wide loads will be regulated by the permitting process. Accelerated replacement of the bridge is the most likely solution as it is already scheduled for replacement in the Chinook – East project planned for 2028.