We've Got The County Covered
The meeting was called to order by President Wylee Simenson at 1:00 PM at the Miller shop. Wacee led the American Pledge and Walter led the 4-H Pledge. The roll call was what's your favorite thing to do in the summer. The minutes were read and approved. Walter Read the Treasurer's report.
Henry reported on the 4-H camp counselor meeting that he attended.
Under Old Business we discussed the upcoming trash pickup and who we would like to invite as a guest speaker. Under New Business we discussed a summer activity, we are going to look into having an outdoor movie night.
Henry presented his demonstration on how to safely jump-start a vehicle.
Wacee made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Norah seconded it. The motion passed.
After the meeting our club held a litter clean up in between town and the dump. We had a lot of help as many community members participated in the pickup.
The next meeting will be held at the Miller shop, on a date and time to be determined.