We've Got The County Covered

Chinook Library

We had to switch gears at the last minute for our Summer Reading Program last week, as our presenters didn’t make it! A big shout out to Deanne, Aubrey, and Madelynn Kalk, Sabrina Peck and all the other parents who stepped in to help. We appreciate you! The Blaine County Museum will be here today at 3:00 to do a presentation and activity. They always do a great job, so don’t miss out. Next week we will be changing the schedule a bit due to the holiday. Tuesday July 2nd we will only have Story Time. Wednesday July 3rd we will have a movie from 3:00 to 4:30. There will be no Hangout that day. Thursday July 4th the library will be closed. We will be open 12:00 to 5:00 Friday July 5th and we will have our yearbooks on display for reunion goers to stop in and view.

There is still plenty of time to get your kids signed up for the Summer Reading Program. For every hour read, kids can put their name in for a prize. The school librarian, Kelsey Harry, is also running a Meadowlark Summer Reading Challenge. Kids are challenged to read books and take AR tests at home or here at the library this summer to win an invitation to a special party in the library when school starts. There is a minimum point requirement for each grade to attend the party. The top point earners for the summer will win the Grand Prize! Two winners, one for grades 1-3 and one for grades 4-6, will win a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble and they will get to cut to the front of the lunch line all year! So, kids can read and be entered for the prizes at our library, take tests and earn points for the school library contest as well.

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