We've Got The County Covered

Francis Bardanouve, Model "Citizen" Legislator

Francis Bardanouve's service in the Montana Legislature is frequently described as historic. With the advent of term limits, his 36 years of service in the Montana House of Representatives will never be matched. He served during part or all of the service of eight Montana Governors, the sixth of whom had been his best man when Francis and Venus married. His legislative service straddled the adoption of the "new" Montana Constitution in 1972. His leadership of the House Appropriations Committee, either as Chairman or ranking minority member, firmly established his reputation as the premier master of the budget during his tenure.

Even while he was responsible for a great number of legislative achievements, Francis Bardanouve never forgot his status as a "citizen" legislator. Unlike the legislative and judicial branches, Montana voters ask their legislators to temporarily leave their farms, ranches, jobs, or businesses to serve in brief regular legislative sessions at the beginning of each biennium. Francis stayed rooted in the land upon which he raised grain and livestock. He listened to and was attentive to his neighbors, friends, and acquaintances and the needs of the communities that make up Blaine County.

At the event being sponsored by the Blaine County Museum on September 25 at the Harlem Lutheran Church to honor Francis Bardanouve, family, friends and colleagues will discuss his life as a rancher, husband, neighbor, and legislator. The presentations will start at 7 PM on the 25th, with doors opening at 6 PM to allow people to view some of the historic collection that memorializes this model "citizen" legislator. The public is cordially invited to attend and bring their memories and observations to the event as well.