We've Got The County Covered

Sewer Line Replacement Begins

Residents may have seen streets blocked with gravel piles and barricades in Chinook creating a minor inconvenience. This is due to work being done to replace deteriorating sewer lines in town. "We chose the areas that were most in need to keep costs down," said Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager, Eric Miller.

COP Construction out of Billings is in charge of the project. According to Miller they are currently working between Pennsylvania and Indiana Streets (in the alley). Their next move should be between Indiana and Ohio. "The crews will give homeowners forewarning to let them know they will be doing work so they can prepare and move cars, etc.," said Miller.

Miller says the crew will continue to work until the snow gets to be too much, then they will pick up again in the spring. The undertaking should take about a year with over a mile of sewer pipe being replaced.

Also included in the development is work to two lift stations. The one near the baseball field will be replaced, while the lift station on the north side will have improvements made.

Work is also being done to improve the river bank near the wastewater treatment plant. It has been eroding due to the movement of the Milk River, so new fill is being added as well as rip rap to stabilize the bank. Grading will be done and asphalt added to keep water from entering the treatment plant. Bridgewater Construction is doing the work on the riverbank.

Total cost of the improvements is a little over nine million dollars with 90 percent of that coming from a grant from the federal government. A $1.1 million loan at 1 percent interest was also secured from the government to cover the additional costs. Miller said there should be no increase to sewer rates as the recent increase is helping cover the costs.

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